Arab Maghreb Union for Dentists joins UAE's 'Waterfalls' initiative

Arab Maghreb Union for Dentists joins UAE's 'Waterfalls' initiative

DUBAI, 3rd April, 2021 (WAM) -- Arab Maghreb Union for Dentists has joined the "Waterfalls Initiative", a UAE project which has benefitted 271,861 people from 197 countries around the world since its launch.

The announcement was made in a session moderated by Anas Al Madani, Vice Chairman and Group CEO of INDEX Holding.

Dr. Abdul Salam Al Madani, Executive Chairman of the Waterfalls Initiative for Continuous Education from UAE to the World, and Executive Chairman of "AEEDC Dubai" and the "Global Scientific Dental Alliance" in his opening speech said, "The pursuit of education does not stop, and the COVID-19 pandemic cannot prevent those who seek knowledge from finding it. From this perspective, the 'Waterfalls Initiative for Continuous Education' was born, and we must extend a helping hand to those in need. The UAE has always been amongst the first to offer help and support."

Colonel Abdulrahman Ali Al Mansouri, Director of the Executive Office in the Department of Behavioural Rewards at the Ministry of Possibilities said, "We would like to thank you for your participation in this initiative launched under the theme ‘From the UAE to the World’, which is an initiative that aims to empower one million doctors, enabling us to actively deliver the message of frontliners to the world."

He added, "We have seen the great role of frontliners, which was more evident in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the tremendous efforts made by the medical sector around the world. Therefore, we have thought of ways that allow us to support workers in the health and medical sectors and empower them to perform their lofty mission with our strategic partner INDEX Holding. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of communication and continuous education has become even more significant, and doctors and specialists around the world must share their expertise and knowledge, which is a fundamental requirement in scientific research at this time."

Mohamad Jarrar, President of the Arab Maghreb Union for Dentists said, "The COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity to re-examine the definition of traditional education and adopt more modern methods of teaching, based on modern technologies to accelerate the development of our educational system in the Maghreb countries. Remote learning and education allows dentists to acquire the skills and competencies needed to use modern communication and information technologies and tools, and spread technology in the medical community in general, and dentistry in particular, and give a broader concept of continuous education, as well as help create a society capable of keeping up with recent developments."

"I would like to thank the UAE and its wise leadership, and everyone involved in the ‘Waterfalls Initiative for Continuous Education.'" he said as he concluded his speech.

During his speech, Gerhard Seeberger, President of FDI World Dental Federation said, "When initiatives are based on commitment and passion, growth and development will not be linear, and this is what we see in the Waterfalls initiative and Tawassol Dentists Group where the cooperation between these two initiatives will result in tremendous growth and great benefit."

Prof. Ihsane Ben Yahya, President-Elect of FDI, said, "The Waterfalls initiative witnesses the key role of continuous education, and indeed, all professionals must participate in continuous education policy, as it is very important today to stay up to date with the latest developments, information and technologies to increase professional and clinical competencies to better care for patients."

Dr. Majd Naji, Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and Founder of Liberty Medical group said, "Through the Waterfalls initiative, we were able to benefit from the COVID-19 pandemic, and bring together doctors and professionals, regardless of physical distance. I am very happy that a group of Moroccan dentists joined this unique initiative, as this cooperation will provide an opportunity for dentists around the world to benefit from the great experiences of dentists in the Maghreb countries."

Dr. Kamal Benmansour, Director of the Tawassol Dentists Group, Treasurer of the Arab Federation of Dentists, General Secretary of the Maghreb Union for Dentists, said, "Such humanitarian educational initiatives from the UAE are always welcome, and on behalf of the Tawassol Dentists Group team, I would like to express our absolute happiness with this session that is at the heart of our group’s interests, which is his continuous training in the field of dentistry and the empowerment of everyone most efficiently and effectively."

Dr. Chouaib Rifki, Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, University of Casablanca, said, "Continuous education is a right of every person on earth, and every doctor, and we are always called to search for knowledge from cradle to grave, and through this valuable initiative, education has become available to specialists everywhere."

In addition, Dr. Dib Mohamed Reda, President of the National Council of Dental Ethics in Algeria said, "We consider this initiative to be a bridge and link between the countries of the Maghreb and the Arab countries. It is an honourable initiative for us, and we would like to thank all those involved in it for their tremendous efforts."

Dr. Bassem Maatar, President of Tunisian Dental Syndicate for Private Sector said, "We offer our support to this unique initiative, and we are confident of the great benefit that will result from this collaboration for all participants, as doctors from the Maghreb countries, will be able to share their expertise and knowledge through the lectures."

Lastly, Dr. Mohamed El Moustapha Brahim, President of the National Syndicate of Mauritanian Dentists said, "The UAE has always been able to make the impossible possible, and through these initiatives, the UAE has provided an impressive model that cannot be underestimated in the field of knowledge and education."

The session was attended by a number of academics from Morocco and Algeria.